Top 5 Vitamin Fillers to Avoid in 2019 (Especially #5)
There are so many “do’s” and “dont’s” in the detox world that you may often find yourself questioning everything about your daily routine while attempting to detox your body of harmful toxins.
If you are health conscious, a daily ritual you have likely become accustom to is taking vitamins and supplements, maybe even multiple times a day. You may find yourself wondering if you should continue these vitamins while detoxing. The short answer is “yes,” continue taking vitamins while detoxing. However…
All Supplements Are Not Created Equal
During a detox, it is crucial that you avoid introducing additional toxins into the body. Therefore, it is vital to eliminate known toxins from your diet such as processed foods and alcohol. However, you may not be aware that there are quite a few toxins that can be found in many vitamin products.
This is frustrating since, by taking vitamins, you are making a conscious decision to better your overall health. However, the supplement industry is very poorly regulated. Well, quite frankly, there are poor regulations across the board and there are known toxins in numerous consumer products that we use and consume every day. So, before you continue to take your supplements while detoxing, or in general, do some research and make sure they are quality vitamins. According to the American College of Healthcare Sciences (, here are a few ingredients that are commonly found in supplements that you should avoid at all costs:
- Every Detox Expert Avoids Artificial Colors
Artificial colors will be listed under ingredients as one of the following:
- FD&C Blue No. 1
- FD&C Blue No. 2
- FD&C Green No. 3
- FD&C Red No. 3
- FD&C Red No. 40
- FD&C Yellow No. 5 or
- FD&C Yellow No. 6
All of these artificial colors have been under scrutiny, at one point or another, for decades; however, these chemicals remain FDA approved. The research is inconclusive, mainly because there hasn’t been much funding; however, preliminary findings are enough for me to stay as far away from artificial colors as possible.
Some of the “highlights” include: Blue 2 being linked to brain tumors in mice; Green 3 was linked to bladder cancer back in 1981; Yellow 3 is known to cause some mild allergic reactions – especially in people who are sensitive to aspirin; Yellow 6 is associated with cancer of the adrenal glands and kidneys as well as possible allergic reactions; Red 3 was considered for banning in 1983 because of a possible link to thyroid tumors, however the ban did not pan out. [1]
Ultimately, I think pretty much all consumers would take a supplement with an unappealing color over cancer. But what do I know? I just believe in taking options with the least amount of colors and chemicals. Check out this video featuring Dr. Jennifer Ashton to get the inside scoop on how Artificial coloring affects the health of children.
- Hydrogenated Oils – Avoid Like the Plague!
Hydrogenated oils are used in vitamins to extend shelf life and to act as a filler. However, hydrogenated oils, or trans-fat, can be harmful to your health and should be a very limited part of your diet. It is extremely counter intuitive to include such an unhealthy additive in a supplement that is meant to promote health. This is a perfect illustration as to why you, as a consumer, should always look at labels and do your research.
- Lead, Mercury, & PCB’s Are Hard to Identify!
This one is super tricky because, regardless of whether or not any of these toxins are present in particular supplements, they won’t be listed on the ingredient list. These heavy metals and chemicals are byproducts and are not intentionally included in the composition of the supplement; therefore, they do not have to be listed as an ingredient. Quite frankly, the manufacturer likely doesn’t even know they are there.
So how can you possibly avoid something that the manufacturer of the vitamin doesn’t even know is there? Again, this is where you have to be diligent about research and find a responsible brand that conducts preliminary testing before putting their products on the market. It’s also worth noting that these toxins are most often present in omega-3 supplements. One alternative is to avoid those vitamins all together and make a more concerted effort to obtain these nutrients from your diet.
- Try to Avoid Magnesium Silicate and Magnesium Stearate
Magnesium Silicate and Magnesium Stearate are two additional vexing ingredients because, again, they won’t be listed on the label. Magnesium Silicate is used during the manufacturing process to avoid clumping during production. The safety of Magnesium Silicate is still widely debated; however, it does have a similar composition to asbestos, which is obviously concerning. [2]
Magnesium Stearate is also used during the manufacturing process. “Magnesium Stearate is used as a lubricant in vitamins to prevent pills and capsules from sticking into the machinery. Stearic Acid is also used to stick the pill or capsules together. Both Magnesium Stearate and Stearic Acid have been linked to many health problems including lower immune system.” [3]
- Titanium Dioxide – A Vitamin Filler You Don’t Need
Titanium dioxide is another substance that is sometimes used as a filler in vitamins. It has been classified in a list of carcinogens that can cause cancer, allergies, auto immune disorders and organ toxicity. [3] Again, you will need to be diligent about checking labels and finding responsible supplement manufacturers.
In addition to avoiding these ingredients. You should also avoid synthetic vitamins. Synthetic vitamins aren’t necessarily harmful or toxic, although they certainly can be toxic. The bigger issue, however, is the fact that they are derived from chemicals, not naturally occurring substances, and are virtually impossible for the body to break down and absorb. You should be especially wary of synthetic fat-soluble vitamins. “According to the Organic Consumers Association, fat-soluble vitamins are especially dangerous in synthetic form, as they can build up in your body’s fat tissues and liver. Because they are unnatural substances that your body cannot readily metabolize, the storage of these vitamins can be potentially toxic. Fat-soluble vitamins include vitamins A, D, E and K.” [4]
You should always check your supplement labels to make sure they don’t contain the ingredients listed above. However, there’s a great on-line resource that has done much of the leg work for you. Personally, I won’t purchase a vitamin or supplement unless it scores above a 90 on Labdoor is an independent company that tests a large number of popular vitamins and supplements that are on the market. They test products for label accuracy to make sure the vitamins have what the label says they have and in the amounts that are claimed.
They also test the products for purity to ensure that there aren’t any harmful toxins or contaminants, such as the ones discussed above, particularly the ones that would never be listed in the nutrition facts. Labdoor then grades and ranks supplements according to their findings. They subsequently put all this information into reports that are totally free and easily accessible to the general public. Labdoor is an invaluable resource when determining what vitamins and supplements are best for you and your continued health.
5 Natural Supplements To Get More From Your Next Detox
- Iron & Riboflavin
Iron and Riboflavin, together, are known as vitamin B-2. These nutrients are important to aid in your liver’s ability to detoxify your body. “Iron activates an enzyme family, called Cytochrome P450, that helps your liver break down toxins so that they can be removed from your body. Riboflavin makes up a component of compounds called Flavocoenzymes, which also help Cytochrome P450 function.” [5]
If you want to load up on iron and riboflavin without introducing a supplement, here are some great food sources to consider:
Top Food Sources of Iron:
- Wild Caught Fish
- Grass Fed Meat
- Tofu
- Broccoli
- Lentils
Top Food Sources of Riboflavin:
- Milk
- Yogurt
- Almonds
If Supplementation is your preference, here are some specific Iron Products to check out:
- PatchMD Iron Plus – Getting Vitamins through Food can be tricky, these patches make it easy!
- IntraMAX 2.0 – The Next Generation in Liquid Supplementation, it truly is a one-stop shop!
- Zetpil Multivitamin and Mineral with Iron – If suppositories are your preference, these are at the top of the market!
- Vitamins E & C
Vitamins E & C also offer crucial support during a detox and provide antioxidant defense. This pair of vitamins help to “neutralize toxins, called free radicals, that would otherwise damage your cell membranes and DNA.” [5] Vitamin C is found in many fruits and vegetables including:
- Citrus
- Red Bell Peppers
- Kiwi
- Strawberries
Top Foods Rich in Vitamin E:
- Hazelnuts
- Olive Oil
- Sunflower Seeds
- Almonds
Vitamin C and E Supplements We Recommend:
- IntraMAX 2.0 gives you all the Vitamin C and E you could ever need.
- PatchMD Vitamin C is both convenient and easy!
- Experts say Ortho Molecular makes the Best Vitamin E Supplement on the market.
Vitamins A & D
Vitamins A and D offer protection in a unique way- from the outside. “Both of these vitamins nourish your skin, which helps prevent toxins from entering your system in the first place. Vitamin A and D in your skin promote healthy wound healing after an injury and also shield your skin cells from toxins produced when they’re exposed to the sun.” [5]
Try adding these Vitamin A Foods to your diet:
- Kale
- Spinach
- Carrots
- Sweet potatoes
- Fish
Some Vitamin D Foods to consider:
- Eggs
- Shitake Mushrooms
- Button Mushrooms
- Sunlight (my favorite)
Specific Supplements to Consider:
- PatchMD Multivitamin Plus Patches offer both Vitamin A and D!
- Ortho Molecular Vitamin D provides an impressive 5,000 IU of Vitamin D
- Not a fan of Iron? Check out these Iron-Free Suppositories from Zetpil
Conclusion – Carefully Plan Your Next Detox with Our Health and Wellness Expert
It is important to load up on nutrients during a detox. During a detox, your body is essentially in a state of purging, so it is crucial to ensure that you are replenishing vital nutrients in order for your body to function. If you have trouble eating a well-balanced diet, or you know that there are vitamins or minerals that you have trouble obtaining through diet alone, supplements are obviously a great option. However, make sure you do your research to guarantee that the supplements you choose are quality products that won’t introduce any additional toxins to your body while you are attempting a detox.
Click Here to schedule a free phone consultation with our Health and Wellness Expert, Kurt LaCapruccia DSS (pictured below), to plan and customize your next detox!
Thank you for taking the time to read Top 5 Vitamin Fillers to Avoid in 2019 (And 5 Supplements to Stock Up On).
Your success is our passion. If you have any questions or contributions, please contact us via email or phone-call. We are constantly looking for new information to promote wellness.
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