Zetpil Partners
DR Vitamin Solutions & Zeptil Executive David F. Cafarelli
David F. Cafarelli has partnered with DR Vitamin Solutions to offer Zetpil brand nutritional suppositories and transdermal creams
David F. Cafarelli graduated from Life University as a chiropractic physician in October of 1981, subsequently entering practice on July 1, 1982. In 1990, after practicing Acupuncture in his practice for 6 years he received national certification from the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine and in 1992 was certified to practice Acupuncture in the State of Florida. In addition to maintaining a busy multidisciplinary practice that included medicine, physical medicine, acupuncture, orthomolecular medicine and nutrition, Dr. Cafarelli actively pursued a parallel career as a researcher and scientist. In 2002 Dr. Cafarelli encountered his first post-surgical Gastric Bypass Surgery patient. In his attempt to resolve her malabsorption issue, he began to research a new way of delivering supplements into the body when intestinal absorption was compromised in patients. There were many obstacles, but eventually, Dr. Cafarelli and his team were able to develop effective prototypes of nutrient, nutraceutical and herbal rectal suppositories, highly absorbable oral nutrients and eventually nutrient and herbal based transdermal creams. In January of 2004 the suppository research and development team for Farmaceutische Zetpillen BV was formed. Over the past 7 years, Dr. Cafarelli continues to be deeply involved in new product development as the Zetpil line continues to evolve and improve. Currently these products are used by thousands of people to improve their quality of life.
In addition to overseeing research and development of new products, Dr. Cafarelli continues to serve in the dual capacity of CEO and CSO of Zetpil Nutritionals. LLC. Dr. Cafarelli has also chosen to be intimately involved in the promotion of the Zetpil product line overseas. Zetpil products are currently being used in over 15 foreign countries as word of these products’ efficacy continues to grow.
Finally, Dr. Cafarelli has attempted to see patients on a limited basis. It is his belief that working with patients allows him to better understand the healthcare issues that can be addressed by the Zetpil product line. Therefore, Dr. Cafarelli works on selective cases in conjunction with other physicians by performing consultations with physicians and patients alike around the world allowing patients to continue to benefit from his extensive experience and his unique ability to comprehensively understand medical and complimentary treatments and integrate both treatment approaches into a single treatment plan that encompasses the best of both worlds. Dr. Cafarelli’s current focus is on Anti-Aging, Autism Spectrum Disorders, Adjunctive/Alternative Cancer Treatments, and Prevention and Treatment of Neurodegenerative Diseases such as Parkinson’s Disease and Dementia, Multiple Sclerosis, Fibromyalgia, Chronic Hepatitis, and Malabsorption Syndromes.
Click Here for the Complete Line of Zetpil Nutritional Suppositories
at the Lowest Possible Prices