Fenix Nutrition

Fenix Nutrition is a manufacturer of premium quality dietary supplements. They are best known for their L-Arginine Complete formula, but all of their products are made with equal care and attention to detail. This includes production in a manufacturing facility which is registered with the FDA for OTC and Supplement manufacturing. In addition, each batch of product is tested for quality and consistency both during manufacturing and in third party facility.

These are just a few of the steps that are taken to ensure the potency and consistency of every Fenix Nutritional formulation. Just look at what customers and healthcare practitioners are saying:

“L-arginine Complete has been an integral part of that health assurance plan for me and my patients. I continue to see dramatic pre and post blood improvement on all inflammation markers such as glucose, A1C, cortisol, homocystein, and C-reactive protein. I’ve also now come to expect excellent improvement with patients that suffer with peripheral neuropathy, cardio vascular issues, and high blood pressure once they start taking L-arginine Complete.”

– Dr. Terry M. Gibson D.C.
TheFatLossExpert.com, Chico, CA

“Great Taste, Excellent Absorption, It provides me with more energy for my workouts. Faster recover between sets, which helps me maximize my workout time in the gym. Keep up the great work.”

-Steven Rosenberg

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