Top 5 Vitamins Needed to Prevent Memory Loss | Guest Post by Holly Clarke
Our brain is a complex organ. For instance, it’s the part of the body that uses more energy compared to others. But funny enough, our brain only makes up 2% of an individual’s total weight. It, therefore, needs certain nutrients to function at its best. However, it’s unfortunate that dementia, Alzheimer’s, and other diseases that interfere with one’s memory are rapidly increasing.
Which brings us to the question, are there vitamins that can help prevent memory loss? Fortunately, there are. However, when choosing vitamins that promote the health of our brain, one should understand that this part is like a sponge absorbing what it can to remain active. Therefore, that includes supplements, food as well as nutrients. Here are five vitamins that can prevent memory loss.
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Vitamin B1
Generally, vitamins from the B group are considered essential for your brain’s health. B1, also called Thiamine, is found in high levels in our brains as well as nerve tissues. It helps in the coordination of nerve impulses. Experts believe that if one lacks this Vitamin, it can cause Korsakoff syndrome, a disease that’s characterized by memory loss. It’s mostly reported in people who consume too much alcohol or have serious conditions such as AIDS.
Vitamin K
Often when we think of this Vitamin, we quickly relate it to strong bones. However, Vitamin K can strongly boost the performance of one’s brain. Some studies have claimed that Vitamin K boosts sphingolipids, which are acids produced with the brain’s membranes. Experts believe that increasing the intake of this Vitamin is likely to cause better cognition as well as behavior.
Vitamin C
Out of all the other vitamins, Vitamin C’s concentration is the highest in your brain. It is mostly found in one’s pituitary glands. As it has high antioxidant activity, it can help support our brain’s health. Studies report that this Vitamin is an essential redox factor in our central nervous system. This, therefore, means that a deficiency in Vitamin C can adversely affect an individual’s performance, especially in older adults. Also, note that its presence in your brain helps dopamine synthesis, which is a neurotransmitter that shields the brain from too much oxidative stress. But since our bodies don’t store it, it’s crucial that one gets it from sufficient intake of foods that have a high concentration of it. These foods include green vegetables and citrus fruit.
Vitamin B12
In most cases, individuals who have Alzheimer’s disease or dementia have a deficiency in this Vitamin. According to Jane Byrne, project coordinator in a nursing home in Kildare, “Vitamin B12 can assist in lowering the levels of amino acids in our blood that mostly cause dementia. In fact, doctors recommend that we take at least 100 mcg of B12 daily.” One can find it in foods such as fish, dairy products, meat, and poultry, among others.
Vitamin E
This is an excellent supplement that has proven pretty effective in slowing down dementia’s progression in senior citizens. However, it also protects individuals from getting this disease to begin with. Doctors claim that people with high levels of Vitamin E in their bloodstream have better brain function. We are advised to consume 400-800 IU of this Vitamin in a day.
Well, as we can see, our brains need vitamins to function. It’s therefore wise that individuals make a point of including these vitamins in their daily diet. Not only will they boost brain’s cognition but its performance as well. Then, you’ll also be protecting yourself from memory-related illnesses. For more info, you can head on here for a list of trusted supplements from Dr Vitamins Solution. However, as it’s essential that we get the right dosage, it’s wise that you speak with your doctor first.
Thank you for taking the time to read Top 5 Vitamins Needed to Prevent Memory Loss | Guest Post by Holly Clarke
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