Suppositories: The Bioavailable Advantage (2018)

Author: Kurt LaCapruccia, D.S.S. (Diploma in Dietary Supplement Science)

Updated: November 13, 2018

The topic of absorption has spread like wild fire in recent years. The trend is rational, we all want to receive the most from our health products. There are three traditional methods to absorb medicine into the body.

When it comes to nutrient delivery methods you have these 4 choices:

  1. Capsules
  2. Liquids
  3. Suppositories
  4. IV Infusion Therapy

Although swallowing a pill is a traditional method, did you know the stomach digests the majority of the medicine? When medicines are injected into the vein (Intravenous) or muscle (Intramuscular), the effects are instantaneous because the medicine immediately enters the bloodstream. Injections into the muscle are slower acting, for example, a tetanus shot. Shots are effective, but can be tricky if you are unable to source a doctor willing to administer the shot. In that case, suppositories can be a helpful and powerful alternative.

The Suppository: A Hidden Secret

Suppositories are largely overlooked due to discomfort, yet little is reported concerning effectiveness. Suppositories are a round or cone-shaped object that you insert into your bottom. Too much information? I understand! But it is important to know – suppositories are pain free and also allow your body to absorb medicine without any fears of nausea. Once the suppository is inserted into the rectum, it begins to melt and release the medication.

Why Suppositories?

Some people experience negative side effects like abdominal pains when consuming capsules and/or liquids. There are even some whose stomachs will not accept oral supplements. Rectal or vaginal suppositories are the best solution for these situations.

There are also passionate health enthusiasts who want to absorb the highest amount of mineral concentrations from their supplements. If this is your goal, you should consider the benefits of suppositories. You can receive faster and more potent absorption with these little known secrets.

Suppositories are helpful in the following instances (WebMD, 2017):

  1. If it is difficult to take drugs by mouth (suppositories can also be used for children who can’t swallow pills)
  2. You are vomiting and cannot keep pills down
  3. You are taking a drug that needs a slow absorption rate
  4. The medicine is too bitter to take by mouth
  5. You cannot source a doctor willing to administer a shot

There are three different types of suppositories – the traditional rectal Suppositories, vaginal suppositories (bacterial/fungal infections, vaginal dryness, birth control), and urethral suppositories (used rarely and only in men).

Rectal suppositories are used for a variety for ailments such as allergies, hemorrhoids, anxiety, constipation, pain, nausea, vomiting, and even mental health problems (WebMD, 2017).

Why do Suppositories work? 5 Reasons (Number 4 Will Shock You)

Healthcare professionals recommend suppositories as medical advice for a good reason. Rectal suppositories may be an awkward subject, but they are very effective.

There are 5 Reasons why a Suppository works faster than an oral supplement:

  1. Mineral Content is not destroyed by the digestion process
  2. There are no acids in the rectum to deplete nutrient density
  3. It is simple to insert a rectal or vaginal suppository
  4. Suppositories are formulated to deliver the highest amount of vitamins, amino acids and minerals
  5. There is no need to combine specific foods to achieve ultimate absorption

Number 5 on the list is especially important to clarify. If you do not include a fat with your capsule or liquid supplement; your absorption levels can decrease. The reason is because the vitamin needs to bind with a fat in order to be absorbed into the blood stream. This problem does not exist with Suppositories.

Now that we know why Suppositories work, let’s answer the main question…

Why do Suppositories work FASTER?

Suppositories work faster than oral supplements for one main reason: they bypass the stomach.

When capsules and liquids reach the stomach, much of the mineral concentration is destroyed by stomach acids. Inserting through the rectum allows the suppository to bypass the stomach and directly deposit vitamins, mineral and amino acids into the blood stream.

Essentially, Suppositories eliminate all worries that your body is not absorbing the supplement.

Suppositories vs. IV Infusion Therapy

The highest bioavailable advantage from any form of nutrient delivery is with Intramuscular or Intravenous injection.

The reason is because it directly fills the muscle or vein with minerals, vitamins, and amino acids.

There are 3 Problems with this delivery method. We discussed these issues here. But here is a quick recap:

  1. You must find a doctor willing to administer the infusion therapy
  2. You have to drive to a doctors office
  3. It is incredibly expensive ($200 a visit)

Suppositories are almost half the cost of IV Infusion Therapy, premium VitalTox are priced at $120. Considering you do not have to take time out of your day to sit in an office, I would say Suppositories are the best choice.

Bio-availability is Everything

Swallowing a pill or drinking liquid might be the simplest, least awkward methods of absorbing vital nutrients, but they are not the most bioavailable. When a vitamin is ingested orally, several processes occur before the vitamin is introduced to the bloodstream:

  1. The vitamin is orally ingested and travels to the stomach
  2. From the stomach, the vitamin travels to the small intestine
  3. Once in the small intestine, the vitamin is finally absorbed into the blood stream
  4. The blood stream carries the vitamin to the liver
  5. The liver is where the nutrients are used, stored or disposed via the kidneys through urine

Once the vitamin reaches the stomach, Hydrochloric acid breaks down the majority of the vitamin. Although Hydrochloric acid releases nutrients into the small intestine, it reduces the bioavailability of the pill or liquid.

This is why a suppository makes sense.

Health enthusiasts who prefer Intravenous or Intramuscular injections get a bad rap for no logical reason. These individuals simply understand that the stomach significantly reduces the bio availability of vitamins.

Suppositories make sense for three reasons:

  1. Accessibility- Suppositories do not require a doctor written prescription.
  2. Cost-effectiveness- One pack of suppositories will save you 30 trips to the doctor, one trip to doctor for an Intravenous injection will cost as high as $150. One pack of 30-dosage Suppositories averages $100.
  3. Convenience- cancel your half-hour trip to the doctor once a week to sit in a waiting room for a shot, suppositories can be administered in the ease and comfort of your own home.

Suppositories offer the most bio available nutrients without the use of a needle. Because a suppository bypasses the stomach lining, the majority of the vitamin is not reduced by Hydrochloric acid. This greatly increases the bio availability of the nutrient once it arrives in the blood stream. The liver is able to use more of the nutrient as a result.

Thinking Outside the Box

DR Vitamin Solutions carries suppositories because we believe in “outside the box” thinking. The science behind suppositories convinced us that we could receive the most from our supplements if we were willing to let science guide our decision making process.

We have chosen to carry Zetpil suppositories because Zetpil practices our belief in “thinking outside the box.” Rectal suppositories are only as awkward as we allow ourselves to imagine. When we look at the science of oral ingestion, we find that the bioavailability of the vitamin is significantly reduced through the digestion process.

Rectal suppositories not only provide more of a vitamin, they deliver the nutrients at the fastest rate. When the suppositories melt inside of the rectum, the nutrients are instantly available in the bloodstream. Oral methods do not allow the nutrients to be instantly absorbed into the blood stream because they must go through the stomach before they are available for usage.

The Science Is In The Numbers

Suppositories are the unsung miracles when it comes to absorption. To illustrate how the science is in the numbers, we have created a chart allowing you to see the absorption rate per mode.

Percentage of Bioavailable nutrients deliverable to the liver:

Pill / Capsule 10%
Liquid 98%
Suppository 70%
Table citation: Cardio Renew, Inc. “Absorption: Liquid Chelation vs. Chelation Pills.” Absorption: Liquid Chelation vs. Chelation Pills | Cardio Renew.

How Do I Try a Suppository?

Inserting a suppository is simple and painless. We have provided you with the step-by-step procedure.


  1. Run the suppository under cold water to allow the medicine to solidify. Placing the suppository in the refrigerator for a couple minutes will also work.
  2. While the suppository hardens, make sure you have relieved all bowel movements.
  3. Use hand sanitizer or soap and water to clean your hands before insertion.
  4. Find a comfortable place where you feel relaxed
  5. When the suppository is hardened, apply lubricating jelly to moisten the tip of the suppository. If you do not have lubricating jelly, water will work. Do not use petroleum jelly such as Vaseline as it will not allow the suppository to melt.


  1. Lie down on your side with your bottom leg straight
  2. Relax your buttocks
  3. Using the narrow end first, gently push the suppository into the rectum. Adults must push the suppository one-inch into the buttocks. Children and infants at a half-inch.

Finishing Stage:

  1. Lie down with legs closed for 10-15 minutes
  2. Wash your hands with sanitizer or soap and water
  3. Dispose of all trash

Do Suppositories Hurt?

Suppositories do not hurt. After inserting a suppository, you should have a bowel movement within one to three hours after it has melted. If you do not have a bowel movement within three hours of the process, do not insert another suppository. Instead, call your doctor and make an appointment. You do not have to worry about rectal bleeding.

What to do After Inserting a Suppository

It can take anywhere from 15 minutes to 1 hour for the rectal suppository to completely melt. While you are laying in the correct position, detailed here, it is best to have your favorite book or television show available while you are waiting for your body to absorb all of the nutrients.


If you have abdominal pains when taking oral supplements or are looking to experience the highest and fastest mineral absorption, I would recommend VitalTox Suppositories.

Here is a Recap of the 5 Reasons Why Suppositories work faster than oral and liquid supplements:

  1. You can receive the highest mineral and nutrient concentration
  2. Stomach acids do not harm or destroy the minerals your body needs
  3. The process is simple and painless
  4. Suppositories are designed for you to receive all of the health benefits of any given nutrient
  5. You do not need to worry about combining your oral supplements with a fat to promote absorption

Thank you for taking the time to read Suppositories: The Bioavailable Advantage

Our desire is for you to receive the most from your supplements through your method of choice. If you have any questions or contributions, please contact us via email or phone-call. We are constantly looking for new information to promote wellness – and hearing from you would make our day! Feel free to reach out to our free Health and Wellness Consultation headed by our Certified Health Consultant, Kurt LaCapruccia, D.S.S. (Diploma in Dietary Supplement Science).

Live Vibrantly! – DR Vitamin Solutions

P.S.- At the end of the day, we are health-nerds here at DR Vitamin Solutions. We recommend you discover our Zetpil Store to discover the right suppository for your health and dietary needs.

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